
"No, you're always the yin."

Helen, Sharon, and I had a dinner conversation that only friends of many years can have. After a bottle of wine and many updates, stories, and healthy debates about each of us (we took turns), we came to a realization. We are each the yin and the yang in our individual lives.
Clarification: Yin is Black, Yang is White. Ok so turns out you can't make tables in Blogger. Whatever, I used Paint. Here's how you read it:

X is the _____ for Y.
(i.e. Helen is the Yang for Sarah.)

Sometimes we are neither the yin or the yang, but the neutral curvy line in the middle. But turns out, according to those fools, I am always the yin. So what if I'm opinionated and expressive!! !! !

Something I realized is that we will always, in the end, do whatever the heck we want. Regardless of how much scolding the other two will do, we will still follow our own gut. But we need the debate, differences of opinions, pointing forks, muted yelling, and frustrated expressions. It's how we keep each other in check and make sure that even if we are going to make huge mistakes in our lives, at least we are prepared for the consequences. Thanks guys for not saying "I told you so" but instead cluing me into the realities of this world.

I have two remaining questions:
1) Were our lives always this interesting and ironic, or is this a product of being 20-somethings?
2) What do the dots represent in our little analogy? Maybe that we always seem to agree and disagree at the same time?


Urban Education

I hate No Child Left Behind. Good in theory, horrible execution. Here's to hoping:



my awesome manager

did i ever tell you guys that i have an awesome manager? really, the best in town. she's so sweet and supportive. sharon met her and said, "she's a good manager, i can tell."

i found out today that she goes to church on sundays :). we were talking about how it's really important to marry a guy that shares the same beliefs. wow! so in sync.

she told me to check out this church called the journey. helen, and others, you wanna go? it's at the regency center at 11.


When I was your age...

Oh the many things we'll be able to tell our children...

  • Walkman
  • CD Players
  • Boomboxes
  • Floppy Disks
  • Library Catalog files
  • Line-by-line printers with holes on the side
  • VCRs and VHS tapes
  • Landline phones


Song of the Month!

new song is posted on the right sidebar. scrolll down a little.

Mad by Ne-yo


My friend Joyce Jung Kwon, an amazing jazz vocalist

A blurb from her site:

There are 2 kinds of persimmons: the crisp 'dan-gam' that grows in hot weather and the squishy 'hong-si' that ripens in cooler regions. Joyce wondered why she wasn't ripening into a 'dan-gam' even while studying voice, jazz and music theory at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. But since relocating to Berkeley in the cooler bay area, she has realized she is not meant to be a 'dan-gam' and has started to ripen deliciously into a 'hong-si' of a musician, finding her own unique voice.


The List: Age 25

*EDIT: I thought of one more...

Here it is. Helen inspired me. The 8 things I want to do before I'm 25-years-old (it would've been 10, but I couldn't think of any other big goals):
  1. Visit Thailand
  2. Learn Spanish
  3. Do something, anything! in microfinance or non-profit
  4. Fully and regularly donate 10% of my net income
  5. Take the GMAT
  6. Be a size 4 again
  7. Commit to a church that I love
  8. Live in a different city
  9. *Go to the gyno. Not because I want to but because I should.
I have 3 years, 2 months, and 12 days.

Reinvent yourself

an excerpt from my private blog:

yesterday i went to a info session for the Haas MBA program. MBA programs look for the typical stuff: work experience, gpa/test scores, interview, extracurriculars...wait, did they just say extracurriculars?? uhhh i thought once we started working, that's all we were supposed to do.

you know what i've been doing on the weekend? NOTHING. you know what i do when i get home? NOTHING. a couple weeks ago i realized i have NO hobbies. really. i hang out with friends, i write in this blog, i occasionally go to church (though i am trying to change that), i don't play sports or even exercise regularly, i go out at night, i go to holiday and birthday parties, i don't even travel enough to say i travel. i have been meaning to volunteer, but never got around to it. same with full circle fund. i like to do nothing. a lot. i like to sleep. a lot.

so here is the reality: people like me, with no hobbies and that like to lounge around in her sweatpants all day chatting with friends online or uploading the new britney spears album onto her phone, do NOT get into good MBA programs. and while that makes sense...crap!

this means i need to reinvent myself. i need to rekindle my passions and find a way to get involved while still working. burnout? maybe, but hey i'm young, so i can take it. but boy will i miss lounging in my sweatpants all weekend...maybe i'll start next year...



I just noticed a bunch of posts that are stored as draft. So with 57 minutes remaining on my laptop, time to publish those suckers.

Jen, I promise I will write about you someday :)

- addition -

So now that I've finished all of the draft posts, I realize that they save in the order they were first drafted, and don't publish as a new post. Here they are my small audience that may or may not care:

3/17/08 my testimony
3/27/08 Zephyr Cafe
4/9/08 Live consciously. Live responsibly. Live well.
4/10/08 On gambling
4/10/08 The Bucket Incident
8/14/08 treadmills with tv's
8/27/08 sometime in the fall ...oh i guess it was still summer...

next i will have to add all of my old xanga entries before xanga cancels my account!



I have this picture album on my computer called "Those Fools", which made of pictures of you great friends of 8+ years. Special thanks to Helen and Katie for capturing some of the best moments in my life. So I'm perusing this album and I can't help but think, "What NONSENSE!" Check out my top 5 nonsensical pictures of you fools from this year (so far):

Hello? Can you hear me?

Rar! Happy Graduation Helen!

Party Foul! Take one spray.

Allan on Jen, not Jen on Allan.

The Cracker Game


Danielle Huffaker aka danihuff

Dani is nothing conventional. She is the one that will start dancing with me in the hallway for no reason. She is hyper, excitable, debatable, intellectual, and deeply analytical. She has sexy hair. She is loyal. She is creative to no limit, yet often gets so overwhelmed by her own creativity that she has to take it all down. She is ambitious in spirit, yet safe in her emotions. I have never met anyone so in her own element and secure in who she is. She named her belly Natasha. She is weird and unique and lovable.

Dani was my freshmen year roommate turned aspiring business partner and forever friend.


Sharon Lau'D

Sharon Lau is the one that confuses me. She is quirky, unreasonable, irrational, "pickable" and frustrating at times. Yet those are the exact things that make her endearing and loved by everyone around her. She is safe, yet doesn't have a clue what to do in this world. She always has a clear idea in her head, but can never explain it in words. She always does things her way, screws up, and learns 1,000 times more than I would in any situation. She is constantly learning and has learned to love herself in her own skin. She is the complete opposite of me, but we share the same love of the simplest and smallest things in this world. She vents to me and I vent to her. When I yell, she yells back. She challenges me in her comfort, and she lets me challenge her in my wild pursuits.

I believe that we are the most ourselves when we hang out with each other, and somehow find an odd balance that keeps us great friends.

Helen Vo is my hero

Helen is the hopeless romantic that gets sick and frustrated of being a hopeless romantic. She's the most irrational, rational person I know. She can't do anything without a solid plan, but still ends up figuring out life as it comes, and at least 30 minutes late to everything. She's a social butterfly that loves home and often thanks God for friends. She struggles because what she wants and what she knows is good for her is often the opposite. She freaks me out sometimes because she thinks too much like me--our fundamentals, our beliefs, our likes, our thought processes, our taste in music, and both our hopelessness and hope of this world. She's the one that when I say, "You know what I mean?" actually does.

She is my second family, the other side of the glued hip, the other pea to my pod.

Hello friends

As I was walking the 3 blocks home today, I thought about this Sex in the City episode (or maybe it was the movie) that I vaguely remember when Carrie describes all of her 3 friends. It made me remember this one conversation I had with Jared on our road trip down the 5 headed to our senior class cruise.

All them other fools had fallen asleep in the backseat, but Jared and I had some amazing conversations about our lives, our friends, our families, our pasts, presents, and futures. Somewhere around the Bathrooms (El Banos), or maybe it was the poop factory (Harris Ranch), he said, "Tell me about your roommates." So I proceeded to give him my Carrie-describing-Miranda-Samantha-and-Charlotte descriptions of Eunice-Dani-and-Minna.

Anyway, all this plus my last post inspired me to write about my friends. So each of the next several many blog posts will be about YOU MY FRIENDS.

(I am fully aware that there are oh maybe 3 people that read my blog haha! Jen, be patient, I'll get to you eventually! hahaha)

My little world

I realized something last weekend: I live in the same place that I was born, grew up, went to college, and work in now. The same exact place where I want to raise my family and grow old. It is the biggest blessing in my life right now, though sometimes a bit of a set-back.

0.02% set-back partially because I always thought I'd be more "adventurous" and live somewhere in Belgium or South Africa or at least NYC for a while. I am in my 20s, pre-BF and pre-family. Shouldn't I be taking advantage of this? Also a set-back because I suck at keeping in touch with people and I don't know how to balance it all. I love you high school friends, I love that we are still so close. But freakin Terence wants to get plastered every weekend, what the heck. Then there are Berkeley kids that I miss so dearly and they are only a BART ride away, but I'm never sure how or who to see. I feel like I need an excuse to call them up, which is just not true. There are Berkeley grads that are spread throughout the Bay Area, but I took a BART ride to Fremont on Saturday and it's so long! Then there's me who needs a lot of "me time." Then there are nearby work friends that I want to hang out with, but never do. My family of course, with my lovely mother calling to see if she can pick me up on Saturday. So I wonder if maybe I lived in a place where I only had 2 friends, then I'd be better at balancing all of the branches in the tree that is my life.

But then I realize that I'm hella stupid for thinking that. I'd lose it all if I wasn't here. This is most certainly...

99.8% blessing. How the heck am I so lucky to have nearly all the people I love to death right near me (minus several key people that are off in some other non-SF land)? It's a blessing because I suck at keeping in touch and this allows me to meet up with people on the fly (even if I don't, it's nice knowing that I can). It's a blessing because I am never lonely. It's a blessing because I get a chance to solidify these friendships so that when I do go off to some far away land for a while, I can still never be lonely.

Let's change that to 100% blessing. Thank you my little world.


Classic Ron/Rah Convo

9:08 PM Sharon: YOO nmmama
9:09 PM me: alo
Sharon: u drunk?
me: did you read helen's wall lately?
9:14 PM Sharon: yes!
me: go read what i wrote
Sharon: u make it sound so bad
me: i felt bad
i know!
Sharon: u love hanging out with me
me: well i just called her sluttly mcsluterson on her WALL! for all to see!
oh no, not about you
i meant about me apologziing
Sharon: psh that doesnt make me feel better
9:15 PM me: what?
Sharon: hold on let me go read it
me: HUH?? what do i need to make you feel better about? what did i do??
9:16 PM Sharon: yah!
cuz you make it sound like its a chore to hang out with me!
me: ur stupid
Sharon: LOL
9:17 PM me: i'm so sorry dear friend you are such a pleasure and a joy to spend even just one waking breath of a moment in space and time with you my love, my dear, my joy, my all

where i come up with this stuff i dunno...
Sharon: LOL
me: lol
Sharon: okay now apologize for being sarcastic!
9:18 PM stop typing and erasing fool
just type
i can feel the delete key under ur fingers itching
9:20 PM me: i am at my deepest most sincere regret that i have ever felt in the veins of my pain for the loss of gratefulness and genuine emotion of the comment upon which i bestowed a remark to your vulnerable presence that allows us to continue the bond that we share in this one single solitude of dear friendship that is immaculately polished from the length of time and space that was created in the moment of love and despair and hope of al things good and wonderful yet still so solemnly bitter and tearful among the clouds of apologies and false sarcasm i surrender my pride and leave my eternal request of forgiving love

didn't erase one single word
9:21 PM Sharon: LOL
what the hellllll
did u just make that up??
me: if you read it....and decipher
Sharon: lol
9:22 PM me: it says: i am sorry for being sarcastic and hurting your feelings when we have been friends for so long, please forgive me
for real. that's a translation
read it again, for real



It's official. Sharon and I are going to be PHONE BOOTHS for Halloween this year! Sharon will be an American phone booth. I will be a British one. We will attach a string and cups to connect us. We are going to Chinatown this weekend to find some human-sized cardboard boxes. Pictures to come. I'm so excited!


Small Changes

A new picture with almost my whole face is up! The other one has officially replaced the VENICE BEACH BUTT of my imeem profile pic.

I finally got a haircut! I went into Salon Baobao because my trusty friend Yelp told me to go there. I sat in the chair and simply said, "My hair has been in a pony tail for a month. Something needs to be done." Funny thing is that at our 1st ever IVCCF2008 Community Dinner, two people said, "Wow, your hair is finally grown out!" Cutting it somehow makes it seem...longer. Go figure. Anyway, I love the haircut. I highly recommend the place ($55 pre-tip for a trim with a LOT of layers and far better maintenance than any lame-o supercuts crap), but only if you have a good amount of time. She spent an hour and a half! But she was fun, did a great job blow-drying my hair and gave me a hug at the end :)

My room is begging to be decorated. That's right, not RE-decorated, but De-corated. It's been over 2 months now, so it's about time. An IKEA trip and a possible upholstery project is planned for this weekend. Pictures to come of a before and after.

The Cracker Game

This is a classic Allan-Sarah moment in time. This is called the Cracker Game. You throw a cracker at someone and they try to catch it with their teeth. Allan and I were on a team. Kudos to Helen for capturing the essence of our nonsense and to Jen for the awesome throw! Quite possibly my favorite picture of all time.

This picture might send me to an early grave, I'm laughing way too hard!


Save the Planet

As I was crossing the street today, I walked past a cab. Nothing out of the blue for my swanky neighborhood. But wait, that's no ordinary yellow cab! It's a GREEN CAB! We can now take Prius taxicabs all over our beloved city. Whee! Dial 626-GREEN.


la musica

i used to do a song-of-the-week on my blog, but i took it down after the "remodel." i think it's time to bring it back.

my musical taste is...not so tasteful. i'm a total top 40s gal. mainstream all the way! it's just more fun when other people know the songs too, you know? but on my little 1Gb of music storage I carry around I only really have one type of music. i'm not too sure what it's called, but the names i've seen it called are pop/pop rock/alternative/adult alternative/even indie pop, though i'm not too sure what that is. my musical style is to listen to one song, obsess over it by putting it on one-play-repeat for a month.

so now i give you this month's peacemongeroo's song-of-the-month, which will be on the right side of the blog. click the picture listen.

"Keep Breathing" by Ingrid Michaelson


gloves off

hello friends. don't know when/if you will read this...

having heard both sides of the story, i personally feel that two things should happen, in this order:

1) conversations and apologies
2) time and space

both sides are unaware of why the other person is pissed off. you are both guessing, but you really don't understand.

one side doesn't understand why someone would say one thing but not act on it when the time comes; and why they have certain boundaries and seem to blame them for it.

the other side doesn't understand why the others can't seem to respect her boundaries; and why after telling them straight up that something hurts, it continues to happen.

friends, can we fix this? you all have had some serious misunderstandings and i think it's worth doing one of those talks like they do on the hills, but without the cheesy music. (a lauren/audrina talk, not a lauren/heidi reconciliation please.) gloves off, defenses down. just try to understand where the other is coming from. i think 10 years merits a conversation where no one is trying to defend themselves, only explain.

then take some time to chill. maybe it's a good thing that most people are back in school now.

don't be babies, saying stuff like, "i shouldn't call, she should call" or snarky remarks like, "whatever." be honest, but careful with your words. the thing about reconciliation isn't that you are all happy and skippy together again. the point is to recognize that things aren't ok, be friends of 10 years and talk about it.

just my opinion.



you know what i'm eating for breakfast right now? nope, not my usual bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon. jook with fried donut rings and carpet pork (i think the label said pork song).

wow, growing up with all you chinese kids really rubbed off on me. this is delicious. next i'll be drinking tong out of a jar.

um, ok that's a little too chinese for me.



Sharon Li is a junior that I met through HBSA and she's a sweetie pie. She sends me this message on Facebook today. What's sweeter than pie? That's her.
Hi Sarah,
This is Sharon :)

How are you doing?
How's google treating you?

I'm dropping this message to first and foremost say "Hi" to you!

Secondly, I started checking out InterVarsity this semester and I LOVE IT. I'm going to Marketplace and I heard that you led this small group last year (it would've been good if I knew this last semester and went to marketplace but I'm glad I didn't find out about marketplace too late).

Third, I had a wonderful summer internship experience doing Microfinance research. I started attending Microfinance Decal this semester and have had englightening conversations with Aaron and Emma. I will be joining them next semester to faciliate decal with them together until Spring 2010!

I feel like I'm following your footsteps haha :D
Are you visiting Berkeley any time? Personal visit or perhaps for Google?
Please drop me a message then.

I would love to see you again! (Since I didn't get the chance to see you this summer, thought you would be busy after graduation and vacation so I didn't want to bother you, but i would love to catch up with you at your convenience).

Have another great day at work!

The things that started when I was there are still living on! CORRECTION from David: The things that God started when I was there are still living on!

Thank you Sharon for the much needed boost I needed to know that the things I cared about in college are not dead just because I have left. I don't mean I thought they would stop happening in Berkeley; I mean for myself. 4 months post-graduation, I have lost sight, touch, and momentum in seeking two passions: Jesus and social enterprise. This plus the Full Circle Fund meeting I attended last week, plus today having been a really good day (4 phone screens holler back!) is (hopefully) enough to get me going again. I told myself the "I'm adjusting to work life" excuse would only last one month. It's been over a month now. Gotta get going!




in the news

hum, it's been a while since i really read the news. today i went through my colossel google reader pile up of news. here's what i learned:
  • Bill Gates is stepping down as CEO of Microsoft to do philanthropy with the Gates Foundation full-time. kudos Bill!
  • Inflation was expected at 1.7%. Actual is 3.3% to date
  • Apple is expected to miss it's quarter earnings. But then again, 43% of college undergrads that plan to buy a computer this fall will buy a Mac. I support that haha. My MacBook Pro is super.
  • Sri Lanka is growing as a country with strong ethical clothing manufacturing
  • the SEC is changing accounting standards from GAAP to international standards. good stuff. it's about time. metric system next right?
  • Obama can spend 10 minutes just saying, "Thank you."
ok...so it's very dark right now and this shuttle is taking a very different route than usual. hum...


sometime in the fall

today i went home early because it was 85 degrees in san francisco. at 6pm. WAOW.

i sat in the park overlooking my beautiful city thinking about life.
hello berkeley. did you have a good first day of school?


jen's diet

you may not know my friend jen. that's unfortunate. because this post is only funny if you know her:

10:37:17 PM
im hungry
im always hungry now
my mom wont let me eat rice
i get 2 bites a day
like seriuosly
im not even exaggerating
and then evreything else is fish and veggies
i just want a juicy cheeseburger


Bird Tragedy

Today another bird died from a case of clean windows.

I was walking along when it looked as if someone threw a shoe out of a window. I gaze upward at the morning sky, and there, tufts of gray feathers floating softly in the air. I walk over and see a little gray bird, twisted in a heap upon the green grass, twitching, its eye in a hollow stare. I turn to Minna. I say, "What do we do?" She says, "File a ticket." I say, "I don't know what to categorize that under. Do I put it as 'Urgent' priority?" (Ok, I didn't really say that, but it would've been funny if I did).

In our stupor, we watched the little gray bird. Slowly, it stops twitching. "There's nothing we can do," says Minna. We walk away. "There's nothing we can do."


treadmills with tv's

in a chat with richard he asked, "how's real life?"
i said, "real life working at google isn't really real life."

i feel so spoiled. example: treadmills with tv's on each one. tv's with CABLE. this is not a new thing, but i've never ran on one before. running a couple miles watching friends is np. i can never go back.

but a lot of feeling spoiled is actually cuz i have a really awesome manager and a supportive team. marianne is really taking care of me, making sure i know what's going on, walking me through every step, answering questions, etc. i learned that the #1 reason why people leave their job is because of their manager. their manager might not even be rude or demanding; they might just be disorganized or have poor leadership skills. not so for me, so looks like i'm staying put :)


copy-paste from helen the dj melon's blog

Does this happen? Do people really become closer to their high school friends as they graduate college?? I've met so many people who've hated high school, or don't have a group to hang out with when they go home, or hang out with different groups.....!??! Really? That boggles my mind! I just can't believe how far we've come. I can't believe we're right here, right now. That we still call each other to hang out everyday to do absolutely nothing. Come on, we used to have the boys sit on one side of the table and girls on the other. We used to drive to a haunted hospital! But now we actually say things like..."I'm proud of you and who you've become." What the eff!? Who are we????

Anyway, I love my friends so effin much. Ahh!! I love that the girls can still have legit sleepovers (the kind where you eat double-stuffed oreos and watch chick flicks) even though we're 22 years old. I love that the guys are protective over the girls and will seriously kick asses to make sure of that. I love that we're so comfortable now...lying in each other's arms, holding hands, "Sure, you can sleepover" nights. =]...unlike our awkward middle school years. We seriously spend too much time with each other. I can't imagine my life without them. I can't get enough. I feel like I'm in love..but with my friends. When I think about us, I get all the butterflies in my stomach and I'm just so excited for the next time we hang out! It's...weird. I know.


My first day in the "real world"

today was my first day at Google. ohhh my was it long. but fun. they hooked us up with sweet laptops (macbook PRO baby!), giant sled-sized backpacks, and food of course.

i went very light on the meals today. i am going to be very conscious about how much i put on my plate. never get seconds. one dessert and one coffee per day max. as long i remember that the food will be just as good tomorrow, i should be fine.

this week will feel like more like class than anything. today was definitely flashback to business and PACS classes--everyone on their laptops, checking email and chatting, spacing out on the speakers, and the speakers fully knowing what's going on.

hmm so much for "transition" to work!


one more reason i love nikki toyama

Financial Sacrifice
Nikki Toyama

In college, I was very confused. One week, I was pre-med, the next, business, studio art design. I went through every major at Stanford, looking for some direction. There was Jesus, of course, He gives us direction. But was there something more specific that I should know?

Until I figure out what I’m supposed to do, I’ll follow God to the best of my abilites, and I’ll have fun. I graduated in mechanical engineering. I took a job with an engineering firm. I did well – really well. I was on a team of engineers and we helped develop a brand new medical device. It was a pioneer in the treatment of heart disease. We sold it to a company that wanted to take it to market. It was the highest price paid for a patent in its field.

As one of three engineers, I was entitled to a percentage of the profits – a royalty. At that time, I was considering a job change – moving into full-time ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The deal came in just one month after I had made the decision to make that move. I was ecstatic. It felt like a confirmation – God’s way of setting me up.

My royalty was estimated at between one and three million dollars. It was all coming together perfectly. That’s when the perfect plan began to unravel. I told my company about my plan to leave. They told me, “Nikki, if you go, you won’t receive the royalty.” We argued. There was confusion – who said what when to whom.

“Stay one more year: the product goes to market, secure your royalty. Leave now and the money is gone.”

I agonized over it. I rationalized. I came up with some really good, really convincing reasons why I should stay: support tons of missionaries, start good charities. But when I was honest, here was the only reason that I would stay in my job: to get the money. To choose to stay for money has another word: idolatry.

I left my job to go into ministry as planned. I left without a promise of royalty, and the royalty never came. To tell you the truth, when I said no, I fully expected to get the royalty. I imagined God saying, “Good job, Nikki! You passed the test. You were faithful in little, I will give you even more.” I felt entitled to God’s blessing, entitled to His favor, because I was trying so hard to be faithful to Him. God owed me.

That summer, after my first year on InterVarsity staff, I went on a missions trip to Cairo, Nairobi and Bangkok with the Global Urban Trek. There, I discovered something chilling, something haunting, and it’s never let me go.

In Cairo, Christians in the garbage village tattoo a cross on their wrist when they are young. It demonstrates their commitment to Christ. If they were to cut out that cross, they would slit their wrist. They would rather die than deny Jesus as their Lord. This is no small claim in a Muslim country.

The next week, we left for Bangkok, and the image of those crosses was still haunting me. In the red light district, I met a woman. We talked of family and of hopes and of dreams. When I left, she grabbed my arm with both hands and she thanked me for our conversation. It was just a mundane conversation. As I rounded the corner to return home, my guard began to lower, and I sat on that wet Bangkok pavement and wept. I cried for the women in Bangkok and for the children in the garbage village. As I began to weep, God began to etch His heart on my wrist: the faces of the urban poor.

I could no longer deny them than deny my own existence. My life will forever be tied up with that of the urban poor. What does that look like? I haven’t a clue. God is slowly bringing parts of it into focus.

I have to wonder if I had three million dollars sitting in a bank account back home in the states, would I have been able to hear that call? Or would I have been defensive when hearing about economic injustice in this world, knowing that I – one small woman in the U.S. – held a disproportionate amount of wealth?

I used to think that God withheld His blessing because I did not get the royalty. Instead, He withheld it to give me something far more priceless: an invitation to be a part of His work in the world. I almost missed God’s invitation to be a part of His redemptive work in this world, to be good news and to announce good news to people whose economic situations or whose history make it hard for them to believe that the good news is actually good.

Following Jesus is costly, but not following Jesus is far more costly. If we free Him from the obligation of our expectations, we open ourselves up to God’s beautiful invitation beyond. I felt entitled to whatever money I could make to fulfill my economic potential. But behind the illusion of entitlement lies an invitation from God. What does God owe me? Nothing. But He has given me everything in Jesus Christ.

(From http://www.urbana.org/u2003.session.segment.cfm?segment=74&session=7&ItemTypeID=1)


housing equilibrium?

is it because i had 4 awesome years with the best roommates ever that now i get shafted?

i am pissed. i have a roommate that cares more about her stuff than my sanity. i have a roommate that moved all her crap into the room before we talked about it in person. hey, do you realize i could've done the same thing but knew it would be a jerk move? i have a roommate that is inconsiderate about the past 2 months that drove me to my wits end. i am pissed.

can this year go by quickly please?

dani, eunice, be my roommates again. please?



we have an apartment! 2101 California St. #10. the best location! whooooooooooo


blast from the past

helen! i was biking to your house to drop off your shoes and i ran into cindy cheung! seems like she's doing really well :) i think i weirded her out because i kept saying, "wow!" haha


boys = housing

my friend wrote this on her blog. i thought i'd share it with you guys :)

If boyfriends are like housing...
after much frustration, disappointment, broken promises, and knowingly needless worry...
after planning ahead and wanting to have things set, only to have everything fall through, one right after the other, right down until crunch time...
God will totally work it out in the end
and it'll be so much better than anything I would have chosen for security's sake


spring 08

i got my first 4.0 ever in college (and my last) :)

ok, so what if i only took 6 units. whatever man, straight A's!

this year, semester, month, week, day, life, has been nutso. more later.


Song: New Soul by Yael Naim

I have been in love with this song since the MacBook Air commercial aired. During our 3am study break yesterday, Eric and I watched the video and were karaoke-ing to it. (Digression: welcome to the youtube era where many music videos on youtube have scrolling karaoke lyrics. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UK_fI8tjNvA. hook it up your comp to your tv, grab a mic or a hairbrush and voila! substitute karaoke machine.)

All today, I have been singing this song in my head, now with the proper lyrics instead of mumbling notes. I really love this song. It's about going into a new situation and wanting to do things right, but completely screwing it up. But the sound of the song makes it seem so c'est la vie. It is the essence of my life motto: "Live and learn." Take risks, enjoy life, and challenge yourself with new things. You may screw up, but that doesn't make it any less worth it to try.

...I think...That's my take on the song anyway :)

I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake

La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la

See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate? try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make

This is a happy end
Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong

This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away

New soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...


reminder to self...

your blog is Ugly (<-- capital "u") and has an outdated song, post colors that don't match, and a weird format.

look for the revamped version of peacemongeroo this summer :)


why is the world so bizarre lately?

  • a 7.9 earthquake in china...i've never even heard of a 7.9 earthquake before
  • myanmar cyclone that killed 22,00 people...that's the same number that attended urbana
  • stabbing of a student across the street...i had come home maybe 15 min before the attack
  • shooting next to top dog...in the middle of the day in broad daylight
  • and today: the weather is FUNKY. freaking hot and windy...that's never happened before

every generation says they think the world is coming to an end, from WWII to Y2K. now i'm not saying i think Jesus is coming soon, but tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, stabbings, shootings...i guess this isn't anything new, but the howling of this muggy wind is eeeeeeeeerie.


The cookie that changed my life

Molasses ginger cookies from Bakesale Betty on Telegraph and Claremont. For real, it changed my life. It was like trader joe's triple ginger snaps, but soft in the middle, bits of crystallized ginger and oh so moist, but without taking away from the crispy outside. Best of all, it was free! They handed each customer a cookie as we waited to get our amazing fried chicken sandwiches. Next time I go I will take pictures.

This is my perfect cookie.

Irish Soda Bread recipe

Irish soda bread is this amazingly easy biscuit-like loaf. I got this recipe from allrecipes.com, but adjusted it a little bit. The inside is delicious and soft, the outside nice and crunchy. It's great with butter and a cup of coffee. I think next time, I'll try making them into actual biscuits instead of one big loaf.

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons white sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup and 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 1-1/2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons buttermilk
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease a large baking sheet.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and margarine. Stir in 1 cup of buttermilk and egg. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead slightly. Form dough into a round and place on prepared baking sheet. In a small bowl, combine melted butter with 1/4 cup buttermilk; brush loaf with this mixture. Use a sharp knife to cut an 'X' into the top of the loaf.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 45 to 50 minutes. Brush the loaf with the butter mixture again after 20 minutes while it bakes.


red velvet cupcake recipe

joanne is a cooking fiend! she MADE this recipe and i would like to share it with the world:

makes 36 cupcakes / 350 degree oven

3-3/4 cups cake flour (or you can use 3-1/4 cups and 3-1/2 tablespoons of Softasilk. It’s a type of flour for baking. It’s really fine and I think you get a better texture. It’s more expensive (about $3.50 for to make this recipe) so it’s up to you.)
1/2 cups cocoa
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/8 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups buttermilk
1-1/2 teaspoons vinegar
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 ounce red food coloring paste
2-1/4 cups sugar
3/4 cups butter (this brings better flavor) or you can use 2-1/4 cups of oil (this makes e cake more moist instead of dense)
3 eggs

· Preheat oven to 350°F

· Sift flour unless you’re using the softasilk, then you don’t need to sift

· Sift cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder into the bowl

· Whisk your buttermilk, vinegar, vanilla, and food coloring in a small bowl to blend

· Beat the sugar and better in a large bowl until it’s nice and fluffly about 3-4 minutes

· Add each egg while beating in between each egg

· Add the buttermilk mixture

· Beat in the rest of the dry ingredients

· Add the cupcakes into your cupcake tins

· Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees

Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting :) YUMMM-O (this recipe made a lot more than I needed. I think you can 1/2 or 2/3 the recipe to cover the cupcakes.)

· 16 ounces of cream cheese (1 package)

· 1 stick of butter ( you can add two sticks, I normally use 1 to make myself feel better)

· 5 cups of powdered sugar

· Seeds of 1 vanilla bean

· 1-1/3 teaspoon vanilla extract

Remember to add the cream cheese frosting AFTER it’s been completely cooled! Ok enjoy! :)


monday in berkeley

tonight i went with ziwei to watch kenny and vicky perform at blake's (a bar 4 blocks from my apt, on telegraph). it was open mic night. we got cosmos (even tho it's a dingy bar). we watched crazy guitarists.

i feel so cool.

i hope kenny records an album someday. then i can listen to him all the time :)


Berkeley's Farmers' Markets

It's strange that I can't find a list of Berkel
ey's Farmers Markets through Google. Maybe no one has ever made a complete list. No, that's crazy...I guess Google's algorithm missed it. Here goes:
  • Center & MLK
    Saturday 10am-3pm

  • Derby & MLK
    Tuesday 2pm-6pm
  • Shattuck & Rose (organic)
    Thursday 3pm-7pm

  • Ashby & Adeline/MLK (flea market)
    Saturday & Sunday 7am-7pm

  • Clarmont & Cavour (DMV parking lot)
    Sunday 9am-1pm

  • The Local, on campus in front of MLK (co-founded by Michelle! holla!)
    Wednesday 11am-3pm
Michelle, Dani did I miss any?


for carol's staff support newsletter

I went to Urbana 06 as a junior just entering my business major. In the Business as Missions track, I learned about this thing called "microfinance", which provides financial services to low-income populations so that they can pursue entrepreneurship and work their way out of poverty. I was floored! This was the first time I saw business acumen, social justice, and Jesus combined; three of my passions co-existing. The more I researched, the more I found that this was a sustainable, established business segment, but very few students had even heard about it. For my last semester at Cal I simply wanted to share the concept of microfinance with undergrads (and as a 6-unit senior, I knew I'd have way too much time on my hands!). Facilitating a class on my own worried me, but I found an unexpected wave of support from Intervarsity. Staff encouraged and prayed with me, and an alum connected me with nearly all of the speakers I booked for the course. This semester is almost over and I'm happy to say several students are interested in continuing this course next fall! I'm not exactly sure how God has or will use this class. But 57 undergraduates are walking away knowing more about poverty, and more importantly, that there is something that can be done about it.


an email to an incoming freshie

Hi Grace,

It was nice meeting you too! I hope you had fun at Cal Day. Here's some general advice:
  • Balance your semester with both business prereq's and general breadth requirements. I suggest two business prereq's (BA 10, Econ, Stat, etc.) and two classes of whatever you are interested in.
  • When you are scheduling, don't take classes just because people say, "It's an easy class!" I took some of those and totally regretted it. You are better off taking classes that you are really interested in and care to learn about.
  • Get involved with something. Anything! Use your first semester or so to explore the heck out of Berkeley and see what you like. It's all very exciting and overwheleming, but don't be afraid to just checked stuff out. By the end of Spring semester you'll want to settle down on one or two organizations/events/activities.
  • Think about why you want to be a business major. Make sure that your reason is genuine and real. Who knows, you might end loving something like Public Policy and end up not wanting to be a business major!
Some non-academic advice:
  • Even though you'll be involved in something, don't let that limit you. Have friends that are outside of those things to keep yourself balanced and sane.
  • Check out cool stuff on campus like Zellerbach, Superb, Poetry Slam, etc.
  • Don't get a boyfriend your first semester (if you don't already have one)! People who get into a relationship that early in college never learn to have any friends other than their boy. You think I'm kidding right? haha, I'm totally serious!
  • Challenge yourself! Berkeley is really cool if you start exploring.
If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer them! Hope this helps!



The Bucket Incident

i recently took golf lessons because HBSA sponsored a discounted rate at Tilden in the gorgeous hills of Berkeley. i suck at it, but i like golf. it forces you to relax when you are tense, but can still frustrate you when things don't go right. if you don't work at constantly, you lose it all.

hmm, that could be an analogy to something in life, but whatever. i'm too busy thinking about my swing to make some deep analogy.

golf has had a strange reputation--dorky and too-cool-for-school at the same time; old and young; exciting and boring. here is the dorky side--i will call this story The Bucket Incident:

at the driving range, there's a machine that dispenses the golf balls. it's very simple, see, all you do is stick your pre-paid card in and push the button to pick a small, medium, or large bucket, and the golf balls automatically spit out. so what's missing? oh yea, you have to put a basket under the spout. TOO BAD i pushed the button BEFORE placing a basket there. white golf balls start SPEWING out of there like there's no tomorrow and the balls start bouncing and rolling everywhere! i'm thinking, "ROUND?! why do golf balls need to be ROUND?!" i frantically and futilely try to catch some with my tiny, 12-year-0ld-sized hands before grabbing the basket and putting it under the spout. the basket successfully caught the last 2 balls. out of 60. awesome. so i start chasing down these round monsters that won't stop rolling everywhere. this old korean man starts helping me scoop some of the balls that rolled onto his mat. i keep saying, "i'm so sorry, thank you, i'm so sorry, thank you." he just says in that familiar accent, "it happens." i say awkwardly, "at least i didn't pick the large bucket! heh...heh...uh..." i take my approximately 60 balls and go to the very end of the driving range, far away from that evil machine.

what a noob.

On gambling

This past weekend was Viva Las Vegas Baby! But this post will be dedicated to a lesson learned about the thrill and lure of gambling away your money.

Chiraag, our dear, reckless and often drunk and stupid friend, was up $300! Amazing! But 30 minutes later, it's all gone. 20 minutes later, he's down $200. 10 minutes later, he's down another $100. 15 minutes later, it's time for dinner and he stops answering his phone. 5 minutes later, we find him and force him to play his last hand, which he loses. Kicking and screaming, we peel the boy away from the table and throw him into a cab. "The boy doesn't know when to stop!" we all said.

So on the way out to go back home after a very long weekend, I remember that I told Jeremy I'd put $20 on Black 9 or something like that. So we find a table and I put $20 down, lose $20. Crap. Ok, let's make it back! Put $10 down on black, lose $10. Crap. then $5, and yay! made another $5! so another $10, lose $10. Crap. "Katie, can I borrow $20?" Crap! "Katie, can I borrow more?" Lose another $10. CRAP! "We have to catch our flight! TIME TO GO!" "OK. Let's go!" and then thinking, "well that was not fun..."

LESSON LEARNED. I saw a glimpse of what Chiraag felt- a lose of control and a need to get it back. Gambling is very fun and thrilling, but it has some strange power to make you a nervous twit that is hoping for a big break that spends too much money. So here are my guidelines: you need to 1) set a hard limit and never borrow more, and 2) have fun. The second fun turns into panic is the second you stop.


Live consciously. Live responsibly. Live well.

This last year has been a whirlwind of social enterprise, corporate social responsibility, and social impact. Can you live a lifestyle that is sustainable, responsible, and beneficial without breaking the bank? ABSOLUTELY. Some companies, organizations, and tools to get you started:

Textbooks: Better World Books
Shoes: Toms shoes
Gifts: Banyan Paper
Banking: New Resource Bank
Investing: MicroPlace
Travel: Voluntourism
Camping: Evergreen Lodge
Office supplies (for offices and businesses only): Give Something Back
Groceries: local farmers markets - Berkeley & SF
Job hunting: Idealist.org
and more: BCorp

Saving the world one consumer at a time.


Vegas was...

  • expensive, but only a few dollars over my budget :)
  • 17 people in a sweet suite
  • hilarious
  • food babies
  • girl bonding over bras, dresses, make-up, hair, eyelashes, lotion, and NOT deodorant!
  • bonding in the kitchenette
  • bonding in the jacuzzi
  • relaxing at the lazy river
  • cab rides
  • stupid bouncers
  • nice bouncers
  • PURE
  • helen being such a flirt ;)
  • LCs, Red-headed sluts, B52s
  • generic Cheerios, Ramen, EasyMac
  • interrogating Jo's boy Raymond (sorry dude!)
  • only seeing Clay and Margaret as they walk by
  • 6 people falling asleep on a sofa bed
  • realizing that touch is our group's mutual love language and i can platonically link arms, hold hands, sleep next to, walk arm in arm, and dance with you guys--girls AND guys
  • $60 Escalade ride because Chiraag had the wrong shoes
  • tiring from walking around
  • Beverly from Italy
Vegas was...
  • a lot of should-a's, could-a's, and would-a's and...
  • frustrating at times, but...
  • still fun and...
  • something i wouldn't have missed for the world.



Erina wrote an article on our structure


ok go, a million ways

in the background it goes, "one zero zero zero zero zero zero CREUL!" hahaha

the original
the attempt...we messed up in the beginning


i love opposable thumbs

i'm watching my cat give himself a bath...i can't imagine having to lick myself clean everyday.


Zephyr Cafe

My favorite go-to cafe in SF. Here is why:

1) Jen. She worked there and gave me free cookies :)
2) Neighborhood. Nearby with do-able parking.
3) Wifi...ok so you have to pay $5, but I didn't really need internet
4) Spacious. Always a table free, though sometimes only in the dark back area
5) WEIRD. Creepy mannequin...
6) My mom goes here with her friends too.

he was lost...and then found, then lost again, then found.

this is the story of when we lost buddy the cat:

yes, for this semester i have a cat. my brother is touring the world so my roomies and i are taking care of buddy til he gets back. but for some reason when our apt manager asked if she could use our apartment to show to prospective tenants, minna forgot about the fluffy fatty and said, "ya sure!" so wednesday night we had to take him to ernie's place (dani's bf). the sight of his little cage freaks him out, so buddy fights to his best ability to stay out of it. and it works. dani decides to carry him down to the car. but as she's about to close the door, he jumps out of the car and THERE HE GOES! OH CRAP!

i was at small group and saw that i had 5 missed calls. dashed home to look for buddy, and on the way, joyce calls me and asks, "what color is your cat?" i speed over to her house, but the second i look at this cat she's got cornered, i know it's not buddy. you see, buddy is a fatty fat cat. threee times the size of bettina's little dog whose head is too big for its body. defeated, i go home and continue to look but with no luck. leave a bunch of food and his litter box outside and we print out fliers with buddy's picture and our contact info and post them up and down the street.

the next day around 2pm, minna gets a call that this dude saw him around 9am this morning! oh there is hope! look around, but it's the afternoon so he's probably hiding somewhere. the next morning i go wait outside and put more food out, but there's not a sign of him. he hasn't even eaten the food :/

friday night i'm in large group, but when i get out i see 10 missed calls. "DID YOU FIND HIM?? oh please tell me you found him..." they did! in the basement of the house that caught fire last semester and is abandoned. but then...

they coax him out of the part under the house by calling his name and bringing him food. but then for some bizarre reason, they decided to carry him back to the house. but...that's how he got away the first time no? a loud BANG and he bites down on dani's hand, she hands him to eunice, he bites down on her hand, and then finally squirms his way free and darts. both of them are dripping blood :/

their hands get infected and they spend saturday night at the emergency room to get antibiotics.

try again. we leave food for him and but we're never there when he's eating it. finally on monday dani sees him in there and we trap him inside. but we can't get to him cuz he's too far into the basement. so we seal all exits and come back at night. he's hungry by then so we call him out with some food. over the next hour, i crawl in as far as i can, call him, let him eat, pet him, let him eat some more, then move the dish a couple inches. we get pretty darn far, but then he runs back into the crawlspace. finally eunice and i just sit there with the food near the doorway and keep calling him. he finally comes and i shut the door. he's starting to freak out, but we keep playing with him. finally, i just scoop him up, dump him in the laundry basket, and run upstairs.

buddy is home.

except then i had to take him to the vet and spend $130 on flea medication...

the end.

best meal ever

ok i have a lot of posts to catch up to; they're all in my drafts. but this one about today is easy to post:

went with jen to berkeley to feed the cat and pick up some stuff. we ate half a pizza at cheeseboard and then went to love at first bite cupcakery! jen of course got the coveted red velvet, plus one for joanne, but i couldn't resist the peanut butter devil's food cake. this was one of those meals that makes you take a nap with a smile on your face. yum-o.


my testimony

this semester in small group we've been sharing our testimonies. last week was my turn. here's the long version:

grew up believing in Christ. went to college and was exposed to this concept of social justice. or rather, social injustice. social justice minded IVCCF, invisible children, peace and conflict studies minor, sociology 1, and african american studies 139 showed me the faults of this world. and i became angry. by my sophmore year i was angry.

i have a fundamental belief that all people have the same value. whether it's the queen of england, you, me, or that hungry child on the cover of world vision catalogs, we are worth the same. but this world doesn't seem to recognize that. it is a place full of injustice, sorrow, unfairness, discrimination, hate, and instability. and it's not even the poorest, third world suffering i'm bitter about. what about those that grow up without a mother? those that seem to die for no good reason? how is it that we all have the same human value, yet this world does not treat us that way?

i'm not completely cynical; i am grateful and joyful for the life i live. but basically, you and i got lucky. we happened to have been born and raised with wonderful families, political stability, freedom, and affluence. we got lucky.

where is justice? how is it that we are meant to be equal, but live in a world that doesn't recognize it? that doesn't care? that cares more about status, power, money, looks, and lust?

from my anger came a realization: God. there is justice through God and the resurrection of his son. here is a being that loves us all the same. the SAME. he pours out love and grace despite all we have done and despite what this world has done to us. regardless of what the world has pigeon-holed us into, God sees us for who we are and completely LOVES us. ... that's amazing.

it makes sense to me. God created the world and said, "here you go!" but then we screwed it up until finally he said, "enough. let me save you." to believe that he has saved you brings justice and redemption and equality back. it puts everyone at the same level, a really really high level.

this may sound like a cop out to you--that i believe in a God because i need to see justice in this world. but in pure honesty, this is not a cop out. it just...makes perfect sense to me. believing in Christ, everything falls into place. once i came to this realization, that anger was replaced with a wave of peace. this is real to me. this makes sense.

i continued on my happy way, telling anyone who will listen about this wonderful God of mine. as it turns out, God may seem crystal clear to me, but for others this is much harder to believe. why is it that most of the people in my life are not Christian and don't even care? 2 long GiGs, 1 year, and many moments of "silent prayers" later, i'm sitting at chapter camp angry all over again. my friend starts telling me all these things about "trusting God" and "prayer" and "love" and "His great plan." i've heard these phrases my entire life and always believed it, but in that moment, i could only feel that it was all baloney. i was mad at God because He wasn't present in the lives of my friends. i kept asking, "where the heck are you? do you care, because all I get is silence."

then along comes Isaiah 58. i read this and it was like God just slapped me in the face with truth saying, "what are you doing? you are demanding that i make your friends believe what you believe? that's not what i'm about." i was letting the faith of my friends dictate whether or not i believed in God, when in fact, that was never the root of my faith. "remember why you believe in me. go feed the hungry and help the poor. 'Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.'"

some people see God as a God of love, or a God of grace, or a God of mercy. mine is a God of justice. the amazing thing is, that he is ALL of those.

my life as a christian is confusing and questions keep popping up. there are times when i wonder if this is even real. but i CHOOSE to continue to believe. that is what faith is after all--the choice to believe. and seriously, it has made my life, and every life for that matter, worth what it was originally. with God, all the broken pieces of this world are restored. it's not a cop out. it's just beautiful and real.

ok helen...

here's a blog that i don't use. but will use from now on. i realize that i do want to blog more for these reasons:
  1. to remember my life when i'm old and gray
  2. to share with you...and others if they ever find this haha
  3. to externally process my thoughts
so here goes...