
Reinvent yourself

an excerpt from my private blog:

yesterday i went to a info session for the Haas MBA program. MBA programs look for the typical stuff: work experience, gpa/test scores, interview, extracurriculars...wait, did they just say extracurriculars?? uhhh i thought once we started working, that's all we were supposed to do.

you know what i've been doing on the weekend? NOTHING. you know what i do when i get home? NOTHING. a couple weeks ago i realized i have NO hobbies. really. i hang out with friends, i write in this blog, i occasionally go to church (though i am trying to change that), i don't play sports or even exercise regularly, i go out at night, i go to holiday and birthday parties, i don't even travel enough to say i travel. i have been meaning to volunteer, but never got around to it. same with full circle fund. i like to do nothing. a lot. i like to sleep. a lot.

so here is the reality: people like me, with no hobbies and that like to lounge around in her sweatpants all day chatting with friends online or uploading the new britney spears album onto her phone, do NOT get into good MBA programs. and while that makes sense...crap!

this means i need to reinvent myself. i need to rekindle my passions and find a way to get involved while still working. burnout? maybe, but hey i'm young, so i can take it. but boy will i miss lounging in my sweatpants all weekend...maybe i'll start next year...


JOIE on CLOUD 9 said...

ummm....sarah? you forgot about... REORGANIZING your email!! i never thought anyone could work on reorganizing their e-mail for 5 plus hours... but boy did you prove me wrong!!! :)

Dani said...

reinvent yourself? I like you just the way you are!