
Vegas was...

  • expensive, but only a few dollars over my budget :)
  • 17 people in a sweet suite
  • hilarious
  • food babies
  • girl bonding over bras, dresses, make-up, hair, eyelashes, lotion, and NOT deodorant!
  • bonding in the kitchenette
  • bonding in the jacuzzi
  • relaxing at the lazy river
  • cab rides
  • stupid bouncers
  • nice bouncers
  • PURE
  • helen being such a flirt ;)
  • LCs, Red-headed sluts, B52s
  • generic Cheerios, Ramen, EasyMac
  • interrogating Jo's boy Raymond (sorry dude!)
  • only seeing Clay and Margaret as they walk by
  • 6 people falling asleep on a sofa bed
  • realizing that touch is our group's mutual love language and i can platonically link arms, hold hands, sleep next to, walk arm in arm, and dance with you guys--girls AND guys
  • $60 Escalade ride because Chiraag had the wrong shoes
  • tiring from walking around
  • Beverly from Italy
Vegas was...
  • a lot of should-a's, could-a's, and would-a's and...
  • frustrating at times, but...
  • still fun and...
  • something i wouldn't have missed for the world.


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