
My little world

I realized something last weekend: I live in the same place that I was born, grew up, went to college, and work in now. The same exact place where I want to raise my family and grow old. It is the biggest blessing in my life right now, though sometimes a bit of a set-back.

0.02% set-back partially because I always thought I'd be more "adventurous" and live somewhere in Belgium or South Africa or at least NYC for a while. I am in my 20s, pre-BF and pre-family. Shouldn't I be taking advantage of this? Also a set-back because I suck at keeping in touch with people and I don't know how to balance it all. I love you high school friends, I love that we are still so close. But freakin Terence wants to get plastered every weekend, what the heck. Then there are Berkeley kids that I miss so dearly and they are only a BART ride away, but I'm never sure how or who to see. I feel like I need an excuse to call them up, which is just not true. There are Berkeley grads that are spread throughout the Bay Area, but I took a BART ride to Fremont on Saturday and it's so long! Then there's me who needs a lot of "me time." Then there are nearby work friends that I want to hang out with, but never do. My family of course, with my lovely mother calling to see if she can pick me up on Saturday. So I wonder if maybe I lived in a place where I only had 2 friends, then I'd be better at balancing all of the branches in the tree that is my life.

But then I realize that I'm hella stupid for thinking that. I'd lose it all if I wasn't here. This is most certainly...

99.8% blessing. How the heck am I so lucky to have nearly all the people I love to death right near me (minus several key people that are off in some other non-SF land)? It's a blessing because I suck at keeping in touch and this allows me to meet up with people on the fly (even if I don't, it's nice knowing that I can). It's a blessing because I am never lonely. It's a blessing because I get a chance to solidify these friendships so that when I do go off to some far away land for a while, I can still never be lonely.

Let's change that to 100% blessing. Thank you my little world.

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