
Hello friends

As I was walking the 3 blocks home today, I thought about this Sex in the City episode (or maybe it was the movie) that I vaguely remember when Carrie describes all of her 3 friends. It made me remember this one conversation I had with Jared on our road trip down the 5 headed to our senior class cruise.

All them other fools had fallen asleep in the backseat, but Jared and I had some amazing conversations about our lives, our friends, our families, our pasts, presents, and futures. Somewhere around the Bathrooms (El Banos), or maybe it was the poop factory (Harris Ranch), he said, "Tell me about your roommates." So I proceeded to give him my Carrie-describing-Miranda-Samantha-and-Charlotte descriptions of Eunice-Dani-and-Minna.

Anyway, all this plus my last post inspired me to write about my friends. So each of the next several many blog posts will be about YOU MY FRIENDS.

(I am fully aware that there are oh maybe 3 people that read my blog haha! Jen, be patient, I'll get to you eventually! hahaha)

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