
he was lost...and then found, then lost again, then found.

this is the story of when we lost buddy the cat:

yes, for this semester i have a cat. my brother is touring the world so my roomies and i are taking care of buddy til he gets back. but for some reason when our apt manager asked if she could use our apartment to show to prospective tenants, minna forgot about the fluffy fatty and said, "ya sure!" so wednesday night we had to take him to ernie's place (dani's bf). the sight of his little cage freaks him out, so buddy fights to his best ability to stay out of it. and it works. dani decides to carry him down to the car. but as she's about to close the door, he jumps out of the car and THERE HE GOES! OH CRAP!

i was at small group and saw that i had 5 missed calls. dashed home to look for buddy, and on the way, joyce calls me and asks, "what color is your cat?" i speed over to her house, but the second i look at this cat she's got cornered, i know it's not buddy. you see, buddy is a fatty fat cat. threee times the size of bettina's little dog whose head is too big for its body. defeated, i go home and continue to look but with no luck. leave a bunch of food and his litter box outside and we print out fliers with buddy's picture and our contact info and post them up and down the street.

the next day around 2pm, minna gets a call that this dude saw him around 9am this morning! oh there is hope! look around, but it's the afternoon so he's probably hiding somewhere. the next morning i go wait outside and put more food out, but there's not a sign of him. he hasn't even eaten the food :/

friday night i'm in large group, but when i get out i see 10 missed calls. "DID YOU FIND HIM?? oh please tell me you found him..." they did! in the basement of the house that caught fire last semester and is abandoned. but then...

they coax him out of the part under the house by calling his name and bringing him food. but then for some bizarre reason, they decided to carry him back to the house. but...that's how he got away the first time no? a loud BANG and he bites down on dani's hand, she hands him to eunice, he bites down on her hand, and then finally squirms his way free and darts. both of them are dripping blood :/

their hands get infected and they spend saturday night at the emergency room to get antibiotics.

try again. we leave food for him and but we're never there when he's eating it. finally on monday dani sees him in there and we trap him inside. but we can't get to him cuz he's too far into the basement. so we seal all exits and come back at night. he's hungry by then so we call him out with some food. over the next hour, i crawl in as far as i can, call him, let him eat, pet him, let him eat some more, then move the dish a couple inches. we get pretty darn far, but then he runs back into the crawlspace. finally eunice and i just sit there with the food near the doorway and keep calling him. he finally comes and i shut the door. he's starting to freak out, but we keep playing with him. finally, i just scoop him up, dump him in the laundry basket, and run upstairs.

buddy is home.

except then i had to take him to the vet and spend $130 on flea medication...

the end.

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