

I have this picture album on my computer called "Those Fools", which made of pictures of you great friends of 8+ years. Special thanks to Helen and Katie for capturing some of the best moments in my life. So I'm perusing this album and I can't help but think, "What NONSENSE!" Check out my top 5 nonsensical pictures of you fools from this year (so far):

Hello? Can you hear me?

Rar! Happy Graduation Helen!

Party Foul! Take one spray.

Allan on Jen, not Jen on Allan.

The Cracker Game


Danielle Huffaker aka danihuff

Dani is nothing conventional. She is the one that will start dancing with me in the hallway for no reason. She is hyper, excitable, debatable, intellectual, and deeply analytical. She has sexy hair. She is loyal. She is creative to no limit, yet often gets so overwhelmed by her own creativity that she has to take it all down. She is ambitious in spirit, yet safe in her emotions. I have never met anyone so in her own element and secure in who she is. She named her belly Natasha. She is weird and unique and lovable.

Dani was my freshmen year roommate turned aspiring business partner and forever friend.


Sharon Lau'D

Sharon Lau is the one that confuses me. She is quirky, unreasonable, irrational, "pickable" and frustrating at times. Yet those are the exact things that make her endearing and loved by everyone around her. She is safe, yet doesn't have a clue what to do in this world. She always has a clear idea in her head, but can never explain it in words. She always does things her way, screws up, and learns 1,000 times more than I would in any situation. She is constantly learning and has learned to love herself in her own skin. She is the complete opposite of me, but we share the same love of the simplest and smallest things in this world. She vents to me and I vent to her. When I yell, she yells back. She challenges me in her comfort, and she lets me challenge her in my wild pursuits.

I believe that we are the most ourselves when we hang out with each other, and somehow find an odd balance that keeps us great friends.

Helen Vo is my hero

Helen is the hopeless romantic that gets sick and frustrated of being a hopeless romantic. She's the most irrational, rational person I know. She can't do anything without a solid plan, but still ends up figuring out life as it comes, and at least 30 minutes late to everything. She's a social butterfly that loves home and often thanks God for friends. She struggles because what she wants and what she knows is good for her is often the opposite. She freaks me out sometimes because she thinks too much like me--our fundamentals, our beliefs, our likes, our thought processes, our taste in music, and both our hopelessness and hope of this world. She's the one that when I say, "You know what I mean?" actually does.

She is my second family, the other side of the glued hip, the other pea to my pod.

Hello friends

As I was walking the 3 blocks home today, I thought about this Sex in the City episode (or maybe it was the movie) that I vaguely remember when Carrie describes all of her 3 friends. It made me remember this one conversation I had with Jared on our road trip down the 5 headed to our senior class cruise.

All them other fools had fallen asleep in the backseat, but Jared and I had some amazing conversations about our lives, our friends, our families, our pasts, presents, and futures. Somewhere around the Bathrooms (El Banos), or maybe it was the poop factory (Harris Ranch), he said, "Tell me about your roommates." So I proceeded to give him my Carrie-describing-Miranda-Samantha-and-Charlotte descriptions of Eunice-Dani-and-Minna.

Anyway, all this plus my last post inspired me to write about my friends. So each of the next several many blog posts will be about YOU MY FRIENDS.

(I am fully aware that there are oh maybe 3 people that read my blog haha! Jen, be patient, I'll get to you eventually! hahaha)

My little world

I realized something last weekend: I live in the same place that I was born, grew up, went to college, and work in now. The same exact place where I want to raise my family and grow old. It is the biggest blessing in my life right now, though sometimes a bit of a set-back.

0.02% set-back partially because I always thought I'd be more "adventurous" and live somewhere in Belgium or South Africa or at least NYC for a while. I am in my 20s, pre-BF and pre-family. Shouldn't I be taking advantage of this? Also a set-back because I suck at keeping in touch with people and I don't know how to balance it all. I love you high school friends, I love that we are still so close. But freakin Terence wants to get plastered every weekend, what the heck. Then there are Berkeley kids that I miss so dearly and they are only a BART ride away, but I'm never sure how or who to see. I feel like I need an excuse to call them up, which is just not true. There are Berkeley grads that are spread throughout the Bay Area, but I took a BART ride to Fremont on Saturday and it's so long! Then there's me who needs a lot of "me time." Then there are nearby work friends that I want to hang out with, but never do. My family of course, with my lovely mother calling to see if she can pick me up on Saturday. So I wonder if maybe I lived in a place where I only had 2 friends, then I'd be better at balancing all of the branches in the tree that is my life.

But then I realize that I'm hella stupid for thinking that. I'd lose it all if I wasn't here. This is most certainly...

99.8% blessing. How the heck am I so lucky to have nearly all the people I love to death right near me (minus several key people that are off in some other non-SF land)? It's a blessing because I suck at keeping in touch and this allows me to meet up with people on the fly (even if I don't, it's nice knowing that I can). It's a blessing because I am never lonely. It's a blessing because I get a chance to solidify these friendships so that when I do go off to some far away land for a while, I can still never be lonely.

Let's change that to 100% blessing. Thank you my little world.