
Silly Game

When I went home last week, Ronnie and I went to Joe DiMaggio's restaurant for DAT. We ended up playing this silly game you can only play with one of those long time friends that knows you better than you know yourself. (Btw, Ronnie's the gal in the background of my Blog pic aka Sharon). We took turns asking silly questions and turns out, I know Ronno pretty well. But this girl ended up with a score of I think 2 for 14! Ha! I'm just one big mystery aren't I??

Some of the questions, I can't remember them all. But no answers so I can remain...mysterious...oooh...:
  • What is something I am afraid of?
  • What is one of my pet peeves?
  • Who was my first crush?
  • What's my favorite beer? (Trick question)
  • What are any of my top 5 favorite foods?
At this point, Ronnie is fed up with questions only Helen could answer because we love the same things (i.e. cheese, coffee, house watching, cheese...) and she actually reads this blog. Hi Helen!! So, now I have to change my questions to "meaningful ones":
  • Why did I go to NY?
  • If I didn't take my offer with Google, which company would I be working for? (Correct!)
  • What was my favorite class at Cal? What was the most important class I took at Cal?
    • I gave her a choice between 3 classes for the 2 options and she still got both wrong!
My score was something like 10 for 14. Here are some questions Sharon asked me:
  • What's weird about my toes?
    • My answer: "You cut your toenails so short they often bleed."
    • Her answer: "No. I can crack my toes!" Uh, Ron that ain't some kind of superpower. My answer is better.
  • Which eye do I have a mole on? (She covers her face)
    • My answer: "...uhh...50-50 chance...THAT ONE!" Pointing to her right eye
    • Her answer: Uncovering her eyes and leaning toward me, "...I don't remember, which one is it??!"
    • "It IS that eye, I'm right, Booyah!"
  • What did want to major in before Bus/Econ?
    • My answer: "Architecture!"
    • Correct!
  • What's was my favorite class at Cal?
    • My answer: "One of those science classes...Physics"
    • "I never took physics."
    • "Yes you did, you kept trying to explain how a bicycle works and I kept yelling, 'Dude I don't care!!!'"
    • "OH YEAH! Ya, I really liked that class! But my favorite was Physiology."
    • "Close enough."
  • What's one of my pet peeves?
    • My answer: "Too easy! When people color in different directions. Excuse me, I have to go the bathroom..."
    • Her answer when I get back: "I got over the coloring thing a couple years ago. I hate when people go to the bathroom and leave me alone when we're at a restaurant."

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