

Freaking crazy overpriced exorbitant robbery costly pricey expensive city!

S: "We don't have much time before our movie, let's go to McDonald's, it's right there."
V: "K"
S: "Where's the dollar menu?"
V: "What?"
S: "The dollar menu. I want a double cheeseburger."
V: "There is no dollar menu."
S: "What do you mean there's no dollar menu."
V: "What are you talking about? There's never been a dollar menu."
S: "WHAT? Oh, you mean in Manhattan?"
V: "No...I've never seen a dollar menu at a McDonald's. I spent like 8 bucks here last time. There's only a dollar menu at Wendy's"
S: "You're joking right?"
V: "..."

She wasn't joking. Apparently McDonald's in NY and Boston have. no. dollar. menus. I'm kinda devastated. Not that I eat McDonald's all the time, but it's where I go when I need a quick, cheap, don't care about my health meal! Gah! Poor V, never had a $1 McChicken or small fries or Double Cheeseburger or 2 Apple Pies or... Then I see a sign under the menu:

"Dear Customers,
Prices may be higher
in Manhattan
during the
current promotion."

Freaking expensive, NYC.
At the counter...
S: "Hi! 20 piece McChicken please." (V and I were sharing, I'm not that big a fatty!)
Cashier: "What? I can't hear you."
S: "Sorry, 20 piece McChicken."
Cashier: "What?"
Cashier: "Uh, what do you want?"
Cashier: ...
V: ...
S: ... "20 piece McNuggets please."



jenc530 said...

omg HI-LAR-I-OUS!!!! im dying!

Dani said...

Sarah, I LOVE reading your blog...it's funny, insightful, interesting. I come by every few months and just catch up. And I miss you, it reminds me how much I miss you! I look forward to reading more about how you experience the next 7 months in NY...if after the adjustment period things change, and how?? Are you coming home at all during that time? I'm heading up north Monday. I might stay up there for the summer
OK, love & blessings!