
Save the Planet

As I was crossing the street today, I walked past a cab. Nothing out of the blue for my swanky neighborhood. But wait, that's no ordinary yellow cab! It's a GREEN CAB! We can now take Prius taxicabs all over our beloved city. Whee! Dial 626-GREEN.


la musica

i used to do a song-of-the-week on my blog, but i took it down after the "remodel." i think it's time to bring it back.

my musical taste is...not so tasteful. i'm a total top 40s gal. mainstream all the way! it's just more fun when other people know the songs too, you know? but on my little 1Gb of music storage I carry around I only really have one type of music. i'm not too sure what it's called, but the names i've seen it called are pop/pop rock/alternative/adult alternative/even indie pop, though i'm not too sure what that is. my musical style is to listen to one song, obsess over it by putting it on one-play-repeat for a month.

so now i give you this month's peacemongeroo's song-of-the-month, which will be on the right side of the blog. click the picture listen.

"Keep Breathing" by Ingrid Michaelson


gloves off

hello friends. don't know when/if you will read this...

having heard both sides of the story, i personally feel that two things should happen, in this order:

1) conversations and apologies
2) time and space

both sides are unaware of why the other person is pissed off. you are both guessing, but you really don't understand.

one side doesn't understand why someone would say one thing but not act on it when the time comes; and why they have certain boundaries and seem to blame them for it.

the other side doesn't understand why the others can't seem to respect her boundaries; and why after telling them straight up that something hurts, it continues to happen.

friends, can we fix this? you all have had some serious misunderstandings and i think it's worth doing one of those talks like they do on the hills, but without the cheesy music. (a lauren/audrina talk, not a lauren/heidi reconciliation please.) gloves off, defenses down. just try to understand where the other is coming from. i think 10 years merits a conversation where no one is trying to defend themselves, only explain.

then take some time to chill. maybe it's a good thing that most people are back in school now.

don't be babies, saying stuff like, "i shouldn't call, she should call" or snarky remarks like, "whatever." be honest, but careful with your words. the thing about reconciliation isn't that you are all happy and skippy together again. the point is to recognize that things aren't ok, be friends of 10 years and talk about it.

just my opinion.



you know what i'm eating for breakfast right now? nope, not my usual bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon. jook with fried donut rings and carpet pork (i think the label said pork song).

wow, growing up with all you chinese kids really rubbed off on me. this is delicious. next i'll be drinking tong out of a jar.

um, ok that's a little too chinese for me.



Sharon Li is a junior that I met through HBSA and she's a sweetie pie. She sends me this message on Facebook today. What's sweeter than pie? That's her.
Hi Sarah,
This is Sharon :)

How are you doing?
How's google treating you?

I'm dropping this message to first and foremost say "Hi" to you!

Secondly, I started checking out InterVarsity this semester and I LOVE IT. I'm going to Marketplace and I heard that you led this small group last year (it would've been good if I knew this last semester and went to marketplace but I'm glad I didn't find out about marketplace too late).

Third, I had a wonderful summer internship experience doing Microfinance research. I started attending Microfinance Decal this semester and have had englightening conversations with Aaron and Emma. I will be joining them next semester to faciliate decal with them together until Spring 2010!

I feel like I'm following your footsteps haha :D
Are you visiting Berkeley any time? Personal visit or perhaps for Google?
Please drop me a message then.

I would love to see you again! (Since I didn't get the chance to see you this summer, thought you would be busy after graduation and vacation so I didn't want to bother you, but i would love to catch up with you at your convenience).

Have another great day at work!

The things that started when I was there are still living on! CORRECTION from David: The things that God started when I was there are still living on!

Thank you Sharon for the much needed boost I needed to know that the things I cared about in college are not dead just because I have left. I don't mean I thought they would stop happening in Berkeley; I mean for myself. 4 months post-graduation, I have lost sight, touch, and momentum in seeking two passions: Jesus and social enterprise. This plus the Full Circle Fund meeting I attended last week, plus today having been a really good day (4 phone screens holler back!) is (hopefully) enough to get me going again. I told myself the "I'm adjusting to work life" excuse would only last one month. It's been over a month now. Gotta get going!
