
Always my right leg

I've never broken a bone or sprained an joint. Never been to the ER or had to be ski patrolled down a mountain. But in my adult life, I still often get hurt, with scars to prove it. And it's always my right leg.

2008: Fighting crime (jumped off of a swing, landed on my right knee on gravel)
2010: Chasing a robber (got pushed (intentionally) into rocky mud water during a Mud Run)
2011: Gun fight (snowboarding, fell off backwards from a box, hit my shin on the side of it)
2011: Attacked by ninjas (snowboard slipped under me, slammed right knee on ice)
2012: Saving a baby from a speeding bus, evidence below (left foot slipped in the rain walking downhill, hit my right knee on the downward slope)

Gosh, I need to stop trying to save the world. It's really messing up my knee!

1 comment:

Nata said...

what about walking around with knee pads? the soft kind that volleyball players wear.