
Age 25 is gross

Mom (translated from Korean): My kids are turning 25 and 27 this year?! 24 and 26 are OK, but 25... that's gross (징그러)!

When I was a young warthog, I came up with a list of 9 things I wanted to do before I turned 25. Last year, I did a one-year-to-go check in. Time is up, let's see where I landed:

  1. Visit Thailand -- FAIL, but not for lack of trying
  2. Learn Spanish -- FAIL... for lack of trying
  3. Do something, anything! in microfinance or non-profit -- FAIL, I'm a corporate sell-out. But I did start sharetocaresf.org with Helen, which was completely unexpected.
  4. Fully and regularly donate 10% of my net income  -- SUCCESS, I don't think it's quite 10%, but it's pretty close
  5. Take the GMAT -- FAIL, I think grad school may be out of the picture
  6. Be a size 4 again -- FAIL, but at least I didn't go up a size!
  7. Commit to a church that I love  -- SUCCESS, City Church SF
  8. Live in a different city -- SUCCESS, NYC is my 2nd city
  9. Go to the gyno. Not because I want to but because I should.  -- SUCCESS.
Dang, 4 for 9, those are some bad stats. Looking at what I accomplished, they seem to be the foundational things. Thailand, Spanish, MF, and GMAT aren't things that influence my day-to-day. (Except for the size 4 thing -- I need to get my lazy bum to the gym more!) Honestly, I'm surprised. I thought your early 20s were the time for doing wily things. Well, I guess I'll flip it. Early 20s -- ground myself. Late 20s -- go nuts!

Stay tuned for The List: Age 30.

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