

I studied abroad Fall of 06. For me, it was a blast. For my friend Monica, whom I met on the trip, it was not only a blast, it changed her life. Being in crazy town London for a mere 3 1/2 months took her out of her realm of comfort, dependence, and familiarity, and challenged her. Coming from a world where life was neatly planned, she had learned independence and ambition. She's now at Berkeley in grad school and I can see the ways this trip has impacted her. Basically, she grew. She learned. She changed.

Joanne is going to Thailand for work by herself. This girl has never been out of the country, let alone by herself! Right now, she depends on her small world--family, boyfriend, friends. She's a play-it-safe type of gal. This trip scares the bananas out of her. (Joanne, I love you, so I say this out of honest appreciation and to prove a point to my story.) But Thailand! Thailand will discover her identity. It will force her to be stronger than she thinks she can be, independent, bold, and risk-taking. Basically she'll grow. She'll learn. She'll change.

When I told Minna about Joanne's upcoming adventure, before I even said anything about the type of person she is, Minna said, "Oh man. This is awesome. Living in another country, it changes you." For Minna, studying abroad in France Spring 07, pushed her to the most extreme emotions she ever knew. This LA girl was forced to live in a new world while dealing with tears and heartache. Basically, she grew. Learned. Changed.

Then there's me. I grew up really quickly, very young, and feeling very aware of the world. I have spent the last 10 years striving to see more and do more because I was aware that I lived in a very small span of the universe. I'm aware, I observe, and I use that to shape my mentality, my life, my thoughts, beliefs, actions, and attitude.

What I'm trying to say is that since I was 12, I felt grown-up. Not to say that I haven't been challenged or that I haven't changed since then. But the foundation of who I am as a person, my identity, today was very set by the time I was 12. So for the past 10 years, I've also played it safe, played it smart.

So now New York. New York, this rite of passage of mine. Will I go through it and grow? Learn? Change?


Top 5 reactions to my NYC annoucement

5. "Wtf. I need to work at google and rotate into Hawaii" -Clayton Au-yeung

4. "hey useless u are gonna miss my birthday i hate you!" -David Chau

3. "Congratulations ! It is a good news for you. Plan ahead before you leave here." -Dad

2. *in an angry, i-hate-you-for-leaving tone of voice* "I AM VERY HAPPY FOR YOU." -Sharon Lau

and the #1 reaction...

1. "feamoiemopaimvoemaowemrlmesf QHHAHHEIFo mmoae WHATTTTTTTTTT?!!!!!!!!!!" -Monica Altmaier


txt msgs

Time to clean up my phone memory, so here are some of my memorable texts from the past few months:

Helen: "Sarah i miss you."
[my response was something like, "what? what's wrong with you? what's going on?"]
Helen: "Nothing! I can't just miss you?!"
Sharon: "O no i f****d up my pact. I made out with renie's salty friend"
[Trap is a game Minna and I play on our Android phone. The day before I got to level 17.]
Minna: "Wooooo I got to level 15 of trapt yea yea wooo"
Minna: "Yea I know. pretty successful day ya know I mean level 15 like woah"
[I then tell her about a new move I discovered call TURBO SPEED]
Minna: Oh my god life changing. Freakin life changing we can totally get to level 20 now"
Jeremy: "Lunch today?"
Jeremy: "Dinner tonight?"
Jeremy: "Dinner tomorrow?"
Jeremy: "Just checked my messages no google dinner tonight i guess"
Helen: "The best thing about going to school? Getting coffee bean! Whoo! How i use to go to class, i don't know..."
[Sharon works long hours at the hope that one of her deals will actually materialize. Apparently, I-banking tradition is to get plastered when your first deal is announced. Fantastic. I was sleeping.]
Sharon 12:15am: "My first deal got announced!!! Tepnel and genprobe!"
Sharon 12:42am: "Yah baby!"
Sharon 12:48am: "Yah baby!"
Sharon 2:03am "Yah baby. Uk time. Holler!"
Sharon: "Choi fly me to the moon"
[no context, really came outta nowhere]
Ryan: "May want to untag photos. Just tagged you in 50 from fresh/soph year lol."
Allan: "Good morning! Happy Valentines day! Love you! <3"
[Al is my very, very good platonic sweetheart boy [space] friend. He sent this to all us single gals.]
[Ronnie got asked out by a booooooooy so I texted Helen to let her know]
Helen: "Omgosh! Yes! Yes! Lol! I hope it works out for her =]"
Minna: "Hey I know you're busy buy just thought I should let you know I got a direct deposit from the govnt today for the refund and it was $3,200!!!!! Holy crap"
Sharon: "Hopefully see you 2nite, think adrian is coming. Can u give our friends a heads up to not ask questions about us? Pls!"
[I accidentally called some rando Albert in my phone thinking it was my other buddy Albert Hwang]
Albert Lin: "i don't have u in my phone book. who's this?"
Ryan: "Sigh LOL, took two girls I met at the clubs to church today..."
Terence: "Happy birthday young buck!!!"
[On our snowboarding trip...]
Minna: "I carved!!! Omg hallelujah break through"
Milan 8:27pm: "H"
Milan 8:28pm: "My bad about the random letter. Damn gphone."

My Dad is a Fob

I love my parents! A reply to my email saying I'm going to NY:

Congratulations !
It is a good news for you.
Plan ahead before you leave here.
Love you.

NYC here I come!

Ok, it's official, I'm going to NYC. Ok wow here we go. Ok gotta pack and move and figure this out. Here we go ooook.


I'm a panda.

This weekend I went snowboarding! !!! Totally awesome dude man whattup! Perfect conditions, great company, and...fantastic weather. I keep a little tube of sunscreen in my ski jacket pocket because when the sun is shining on a beautiful white mountain, the light reflects some harsh rays. I make it a habit to put it on no matter how sunny it is that day. But Sunday, I forgot. That is why I took a picture of myself.

For those that don't ski/board, FYI: a beanie + goggles cover down to the top part of the nose and halfway down the cheeks. Look closely and you'll see that I look like a panda. Or possibly a wanted poster. Fantastic.